NHS-R Community

NHS-R Community Guidelines

    short: NHSR
    full: NHS-R Community
    home: https://nhsrcommunity.com/
    brand-guidelines: https://nhsrway.nhsrcommunity.com/style-guides.html#branding


The NHS-R Community uses the NHS England colours for its branding1. The colours used by NHS-R Community do not, currently, include any colours from any other nation in the UK.

  # NHS-R Community uses the NHS England colour palette
  # https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhsidentity/identity-guidelines/colours/ used
  # under the OGL Licence v3.0
    # Core neutrals (Level 2)
    white: '#FFFFFF'
    black: '#231F20'
    grey-dark: '#425563'
    grey-mid: '#768692'
    grey-pale: '#E8EDEE'

    # Blues (Level 1)
    blue-dark: '#003087'
    blue: '#005EB8'
    blue-bright: '#0072CE'
    blue-light: '#41B6E6'
    blue-aqua: '#00A9CE'

    # Greens (Level 3)
    green-dark: '#006747'
    green: '#009639'
    green-light: '#78BE20'
    green-aqua: '#00A499'

    # Purples and Pinks
    purple: '#330072'
    pink-dark: '#7C2855'
    pink: '#AE2573'

    # Reds
    red-dark: '#8A1538'
    red: '#DA291C'  # Emergency Services Red

    # Yellows and Orange
    orange: '#ED8B00'
    yellow-warm: '#FFB81C'
    yellow: '#FAE100'

    # Bootstrap color aliases - using closest matches without duplication
    indigo: blue-dark
    cyan: blue-aqua
    teal: green-aqua

  foreground: black
  background: white
  primary: blue
  secondary: grey-dark
  tertiary: grey-pale
  success: green
  danger: red
  warning: yellow-warm
  info: blue-light
  light: grey-pale
  dark: grey-dark


The NHS-R Community _brand.yml uses the NHS-recommended font, Arial, which is assumed to be available on the user’s system. It also includes commented code for the use of Frutiger, the official NHS font. Frutiger is a proprietary font that requires purchasing, so it is not used in any NHS-R Community products.

If Frutiger is available to an NHS organisation, then the lines of code under fonts: need to be uncommented and the output tested.

    # Note: Frutiger is a licensed NHS England font that requires purchasing
    # https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhsidentity/identity-guidelines/fonts/
    # - family: Frutiger W01
    #   source: file
    #   files:
    #     - path: fonts/FrutigerLTW01-55Roman.ttf
    #     - path: fonts/FrutigerLTW01-65Bold.ttf
    #       weight: bold

    - family: Arial
      source: system

    family: Arial, sans-serif
    line-height: 1.5

    family: Arial, sans-serif
    weight: 700
    line-height: 1.25
    color: blue


  1. Under the Open Government Licence v3.0.↩︎

  2. Copies of the NHS-R Community’s logo are available under Creative Commons 1.0.↩︎

  3. The R project logo is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International licence.↩︎