connectapi Tags
Cole Arendt
Getting Started
To understand how tags work with connectapi
, you must
first understand tags in RStudio Connect.
- Tags in RStudio Connect consist of multiple “tag trees,” each with a “Category” as its parent.
- The tag hierarchy / structure is created by administrators
- Publishers and administrators can associate any non-Category tag with content
- A tag being a member of a “child” tag doe not automatically make it a member of the “parent” tag
As always, get started by defining the CONNECT_SERVER
variables, then initialize an API
client <- connect()
NOTE: This example report will create a few tag hierarchies and then use them. As a result, to use this example verbatim requires admin privileges and will create tags on your server.
Create the Tag Tree(s)
To get started, we will create a tag tree to show how things work.
The create_tag()
helper allows you to create a singular tag
(by specifying its parent, etc.). For our purposes,
is easier, since it creates the entire
tree specified at once.
start_tags <- get_tags(client)
## Posit Connect Tag Tree
## < No tags >
tree_project_1 <- create_tag_tree(client, "DemoProject", "project_1")
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (filtered)
## └── DemoProject
## └── project_1
## Posit Connect API Client:
## Posit Connect Server: http://localhost:32768
## Posit Connect API Key: ***********7gXq
tmp_tags <- get_tags(client)
tree_project_2 <- create_tag(client, name = "project_2", parent = tmp_tags$DemoProject)
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (filtered)
## └── DemoProject
## └── project_2
## Posit Connect API Client:
## Posit Connect Server: http://localhost:32768
## Posit Connect API Key: ***********7gXq
tree_audience_1 <- create_tag_tree(client, "DemoAudience", "Sales")
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (filtered)
## └── DemoAudience
## └── Sales
tree_audience_2 <- create_tag_tree(client, "DemoAudience", "Finance")
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (filtered)
## └── DemoAudience
## └── Finance
## Posit Connect Tag Tree
## ├── DemoProject
## │ ├── project_1
## │ └── project_2
## └── DemoAudience
## ├── Sales
## └── Finance
Content tags
In order to show how tags work, we need some content to work with.
bnd <- bundle_static(system.file("logo.png", package = "connectapi"))
## Bundling directory (/tmp/RtmpoBzCJC/bundledir2f1d4ce15125)
content_1 <- deploy(client, bnd)
## Getting content endpoint
## Found EXISTING content 25c2cbc7-8fe3-404e-8d58-772493c95694 with name mwlefoodfieexombwkkeulbfd on http://localhost:32768
## Uploading bundle
## Deploying bundle
content_2 <- deploy(client, bnd)
## Getting content endpoint
## Uploading bundle
## Deploying bundle
Set Tags
Content 1 is for project_1
and Sales
, so
let’s set the tags! There are a few ways to do so.
all_tags <- get_tags(client)
set_content_tag_tree(content_1, "DemoProject", "project_1")
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (content)
## └── DemoProject
## └── project_1
## Posit Connect Content Task:
## Content GUID: 25c2cbc7-8fe3-404e-8d58-772493c95694
## URL: http://localhost:32768/connect/#/apps/25c2cbc7-8fe3-404e-8d58-772493c95694/
## Task ID: txLa7bqGxfN8gKKc
set_content_tags(content_1, all_tags$DemoAudience$Sales)
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (content)
## ├── DemoProject
## │ └── project_1
## └── DemoAudience
## └── Sales
## Posit Connect Content Task:
## Content GUID: 25c2cbc7-8fe3-404e-8d58-772493c95694
## URL: http://localhost:32768/connect/#/apps/25c2cbc7-8fe3-404e-8d58-772493c95694/
## Task ID: txLa7bqGxfN8gKKc
Content 2 is for project_2
and both Audiences
and Finance
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (content)
## ├── DemoProject
## │ └── project_2
## └── DemoAudience
## ├── Sales
## └── Finance
## Posit Connect Content Task:
## Content GUID: d31c8828-b6d3-4e11-b696-4a7f1f1f4d84
## URL: http://localhost:32768/connect/#/apps/d31c8828-b6d3-4e11-b696-4a7f1f1f4d84/
## Task ID: Y2poiYYCZDdX7SCb
See the tags associated with content
In order to see the tags associated with content, use
. The data structure is the same as
, but the “whole list” is filtered to only the
tags that are associated with a piece of content.
c1_tags <- get_content_tags(content_1)
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (content)
## ├── DemoProject
## │ └── project_1
## └── DemoAudience
## └── Sales
c2_tags <- get_content_tags(content_2)
## Posit Connect Tag Tree (content)
## ├── DemoProject
## │ └── project_2
## └── DemoAudience
## ├── Sales
## └── Finance
List all content associated with a tag
Once tags have been defined, you can also search for all of the content associated with a tag.
content_list_by_tag(client, all_tags$DemoAudience$Sales)
## # A tibble: 2 × 44
## guid name title description access_type connection_timeout read_timeout
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 d31c8828-… pbcy… pbcy… "" acl NA NA
## 2 25c2cbc7-… mwle… mwle… "" acl NA NA
## # ℹ 37 more variables: init_timeout <int>, idle_timeout <int>,
## # max_processes <int>, min_processes <int>, max_conns_per_process <int>,
## # load_factor <dbl>, memory_request <lgl>, memory_limit <lgl>,
## # cpu_request <lgl>, cpu_limit <lgl>, amd_gpu_limit <lgl>,
## # nvidia_gpu_limit <lgl>, service_account_name <lgl>,
## # default_image_name <lgl>, created_time <dttm>, last_deployed_time <dttm>,
## # bundle_id <chr>, app_mode <chr>, content_category <chr>, …
content_list_by_tag(client, all_tags$DemoProject$project_1)
## # A tibble: 1 × 44
## guid name title description access_type connection_timeout read_timeout
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 25c2cbc7-… mwle… mwle… "" acl NA NA
## # ℹ 37 more variables: init_timeout <int>, idle_timeout <int>,
## # max_processes <int>, min_processes <int>, max_conns_per_process <int>,
## # load_factor <dbl>, memory_request <lgl>, memory_limit <lgl>,
## # cpu_request <lgl>, cpu_limit <lgl>, amd_gpu_limit <lgl>,
## # nvidia_gpu_limit <lgl>, service_account_name <lgl>,
## # default_image_name <lgl>, created_time <dttm>, last_deployed_time <dttm>,
## # bundle_id <chr>, app_mode <chr>, content_category <chr>, …
content_list_by_tag(client, all_tags$DemoProject)
## # A tibble: 0 × 32
## # ℹ 32 variables: guid <chr>, name <chr>, title <chr>, description <chr>,
## # access_type <chr>, connection_timeout <int>, read_timeout <int>,
## # init_timeout <int>, idle_timeout <int>, max_processes <int>,
## # min_processes <int>, max_conns_per_process <int>, load_factor <dbl>,
## # created_time <dttm>, last_deployed_time <dttm>, bundle_id <chr>,
## # app_mode <chr>, content_category <chr>, parameterized <lgl>,
## # cluster_name <chr>, image_name <chr>, r_version <chr>, py_version <chr>, …
Now we will clean up the demo tags that we created.
# Protect against tags already existing
if ("DemoProject" %in% names(start_tags) || "DemoAudience" %in% names(start_tags)) {
stop("ERROR: One of the demo tags already exist for you! Beware lest they be deleted by this demo")
latest_tags <- get_tags(client)
delete_tag(client, latest_tags$DemoProject)
## Posit Connect API Client:
## Posit Connect Server: http://localhost:32768
## Posit Connect API Key: ***********7gXq
delete_tag(client, latest_tags$DemoAudience)
## Posit Connect API Client:
## Posit Connect Server: http://localhost:32768
## Posit Connect API Key: ***********7gXq
# TODO: delete content