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Creates a connection to Posit Connect using the server URL and an API key. Validates the connection and checks that the version of the server is compatible with the current version of the package.


  server = Sys.getenv(paste0(prefix, "_SERVER"), NA_character_),
  api_key = Sys.getenv(paste0(prefix, "_API_KEY"), NA_character_),
  token_local_testing_key = api_key,
  prefix = "CONNECT",
  .check_is_fatal = TRUE



The URL for accessing Posit Connect. Defaults to environment variable CONNECT_SERVER


The API Key to authenticate to Posit Connect with. Defaults to environment variable CONNECT_API_KEY


Optional. A user session token. When running on a Connect server, creates a client using the content visitor's account. Running locally, the created client uses the provided API key.


Optional. Only used when not running on Connect and a token is provided. By default, the function returns a Connect object using the api_key. By providing a different key here you can test a visitor client with differently-scoped permissions.


The prefix used to determine environment variables


Additional arguments. Not used at present


Whether to fail if "check" requests fail. Useful in rare cases where more http request customization is needed for requests to succeed.


A Posit Connect R6 object that can be passed along to methods


When running on Connect, the client's environment will contain default CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_API_KEY variables. The API key's permissions are scoped to the publishing user's account.

To create a client with permissions scoped to the content visitor's account, call connect() passing a user session token from content session headers to the token argument. To do this, you must first add a Connect API integration in your published content's Access sidebar.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
client <- connect()

# Running in Connect, create a client using the content visitor's account.
# This example assumes code is being executed in a Shiny app's `server`
# function with a `session` object available.
client <- connect(token = token)

# Test locally with an API key using a different role.
fallback_key <- Sys.getenv("VIEWER_ROLE_API_KEY")
client <- connect(token = token, token_local_testing_key = fallback_key)
} # }

# default is to read CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_API_KEY environment variables
# this example will read TEST_1_SERVER and TEST_1_API_KEY
connect(prefix = "TEST_1")
#> Defining Connect with server: http://localhost:32768
#> Posit Connect API Client: 
#>   Posit Connect Server: http://localhost:32768
#>   Posit Connect API Key: ***********7gXq