
input_video_clip(id, *, reset_on_record=True, mime_type=None, video_bits_per_second=None, audio_bits_per_second=None, **kwargs)

A video clip input control that records short videos from webcam.


Name Type Description Default
id str The input ID to use for this control. required
reset_on_record bool Whether to reset the video clip input value when recording starts. If True, the video clip input value will become None at the moment the Record button is pressed; if False, the value will not change until the user stops recording. By default, this is True. True
mime_type str | None The MIME type of the video clip to record. By default, this is None, which means the browser will choose a suitable MIME type for video recording. Common MIME types include video/webm and video/x-matroska. None
video_bits_per_second int | None The target video bitrate in bits per second. By default, this is None, which means the browser will choose a suitable bitrate for video recording (according to the spec, 2_500_000). This is only a suggestion; the browser may choose a different bitrate. None
audio_bits_per_second int | None The target audio bitrate in bits per second. By default, this is None, which means the browser will choose a suitable bitrate for audio recording. This is only a suggestion; the browser may choose a different bitrate. None
**kwargs TagAttrValue Additional attributes for the video clip input, to be added directly to the <video-clipper> element. {}


Type Description
ui.Tag The video clip input tag, to be inserted into a Shiny app. From the server’s input object, you can access the video clip input value using the ID you provided here; for example, input_video_clip("foo") would be available as The value is either None (if no video has been recorded) or a base64-encoded data URL representing the video clip.