

Chat with an Anthropic Claude model.

Anthropic provides a number of chat based models under the Claude moniker.


API key

Note that a Claude Prop membership does not give you the ability to call models via the API. You will need to go to the developer console to sign up (and pay for) a developer account that will give you an API key that you can use with this package.

Python requirements

ChatAnthropic requires the anthropic package (e.g., pip install anthropic).


import os
from chatlas import ChatAnthropic

chat = ChatAnthropic(api_key=os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"))"What is the capital of France?")


Name Type Description Default
system_prompt Optional[str] A system prompt to set the behavior of the assistant. None
turns Optional[list[Turn]] A list of turns to start the chat with (i.e., continuing a previous conversation). If not provided, the conversation begins from scratch. Do not provide non-None values for both turns and system_prompt. Each message in the list should be a dictionary with at least role (usually system, user, or assistant, but tool is also possible). Normally there is also a content field, which is a string. None
model 'Optional[ModelParam]' The model to use for the chat. The default, None, will pick a reasonable default, and warn you about it. We strongly recommend explicitly choosing a model for all but the most casual use. None
api_key Optional[str] The API key to use for authentication. You generally should not supply this directly, but instead set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable. None
max_tokens int Maximum number of tokens to generate before stopping. 4096
kwargs Optional['ChatClientArgs'] Additional arguments to pass to the anthropic.Anthropic() client constructor. None


Name Type Description
Chat A Chat object.


Pasting an API key into a chat constructor (e.g., ChatAnthropic(api_key="...")) is the simplest way to get started, and is fine for interactive use, but is problematic for code that may be shared with others.

Instead, consider using environment variables or a configuration file to manage your credentials. One popular way to manage credentials is to use a .env file to store your credentials, and then use the python-dotenv package to load them into your environment.

pip install python-dotenv
# .env
from chatlas import ChatAnthropic
from dotenv import load_dotenv

chat = ChatAnthropic()

Another, more general, solution is to load your environment variables into the shell before starting Python (maybe in a .bashrc, .zshrc, etc. file):