
playwright.controller.InputSelect(self, page, id)

Controller for

If you have defined your app's select input (ui.input_select()) with selectize=TRUE, use InputSelectize to test your app's UI.


Name Description
expect Expectation method equivalent to playwright.expect(self.loc).
id The browser DOM id of the UI element.
loc Playwright Locator of the UI element.
loc_container Playwright Locator for the container of the UI element.
loc_label Playwright Locator for the label of the UI element.
page Playwright Page of the Shiny app.


Name Description
expect_choice_groups Expect the choice groups of the input select to be an exact match.
expect_choice_labels Expect the choice labels of the input select to be an exact match.
expect_choices Expect the available options of the input select to be an exact match.
expect_label Expect the label of the input to have a specific text.
expect_multiple Expect the input selectize to allow multiple selections.
expect_selected Expect the selected option(s) of the input select to be an exact match.
expect_size Expect the size attribute of the input select to have a specific value.
expect_width Expect the input select to have a specific width.
set Sets the selected option(s) of the input select.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_choice_groups(choice_groups, *, timeout=None)

Expect the choice groups of the input select to be an exact match.


choice_groups: ListPatternOrStr

The expected choice groups of the input select.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_choice_labels(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the choice labels of the input select to be an exact match.


value: ListPatternOrStr

The expected choice labels of the input select.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_choices(choices, *, timeout=None)

Expect the available options of the input select to be an exact match.


choices: ListPatternOrStr

The expected choices of the input select.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_label(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the label of the input to have a specific text.


value: PatternOrStr

The expected text value of the label.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_multiple(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the input selectize to allow multiple selections.


value: bool

Whether the input select allows multiple selections.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_selected(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the selected option(s) of the input select to be an exact match.


value: PatternOrStr | ListPatternOrStr

The expected value(s) of the selected option(s).

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_size(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the size attribute of the input select to have a specific value.


value: AttrValue

The expected value of the size attribute.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.expect_width(value, *, timeout=None)

Expect the input select to have a specific width.


value: AttrValue

The expected width.

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the expectation to be fulfilled. Defaults to None.


playwright.controller.InputSelect.set(selected, *, timeout=None)

Sets the selected option(s) of the input select.


selected: str | ListOrTuple[str]

The value(s) of the selected option(s).

timeout: Timeout = None

The maximum time to wait for the selection to be set. Defaults to None.