

Change the start and end values of a date range input on the client.


id : str

An input id.

label : Optional[str] = None

An input label.

start : Optional[date | str] = None

The initial start date. Either a date object, or a string in yyyy-mm-dd format. If None (the default), will use the current date in the client’s time zone.

end : Optional[date | str] = None

The initial end date. Either a date object, or a string in yyyy-mm-dd format. If None (the default), will use the current date in the client’s time zone.

min : Optional[date | str] = None

The minimum allowed value.

max : Optional[date | str] = None

The maximum allowed value.

session : Optional[Session] = None

A Session instance. If not provided, it is inferred via get_current_session.


The input updater functions send a message to the client, telling it to change the settings of an input object. The messages are collected and sent after all the observers (including outputs) have finished running.

The syntax of these functions is similar to the functions that created the inputs in the first place. For example, input_numeric and update_numeric take a similar set of arguments.

Any arguments with None values will be ignored; they will not result in any changes to the input object on the client.

For update_radio_buttons, update_checkbox_group, and update_select, the set of choices can be cleared by using choices=[]. Similarly, for these inputs, the selected item can be cleared by using selected=[].

See Also


#| standalone: true
#| components: [editor, viewer]
#| layout: vertical
#| viewerHeight: 400

## file: app.py
from datetime import date, timedelta

from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, reactive, ui

app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
    ui.input_slider("n", "Day of month", min=1, max=30, value=10),
    ui.input_date_range("inDateRange", "Input date"),

def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session):
    def _():
        d = date(2013, 4, input.n())
            label="Date range label " + str(input.n()),
            start=d - timedelta(days=1),
            end=d + timedelta(days=1),
            min=d - timedelta(days=5),
            max=d + timedelta(days=5),

app = App(app_ui, server)