GT.tab_stub(self, rowname_col=None, groupname_col=None)
Add a table stub, to emphasize row and group information.
rowname_col : str
| None = None
The column to use for row names. By default, no row names added.
groupname_col : str
| None = None
The column to use for group names. By default no group names added.
: GT
The GT object is returned. This is the same object that the method is called on so that we can facilitate method chaining.
By default, all data is together in the body of the table.
from great_tables import GT, exibble
num |
char |
fctr |
date |
time |
datetime |
currency |
row |
group |
0.1111 |
apricot |
one |
2015-01-15 |
13:35 |
2018-01-01 02:22 |
49.95 |
row_1 |
grp_a |
2.222 |
banana |
two |
2015-02-15 |
14:40 |
2018-02-02 14:33 |
17.95 |
row_2 |
grp_a |
33.33 |
coconut |
three |
2015-03-15 |
15:45 |
2018-03-03 03:44 |
1.39 |
row_3 |
grp_a |
444.4 |
durian |
four |
2015-04-15 |
16:50 |
2018-04-04 15:55 |
65100.0 |
row_4 |
grp_a |
5550.0 |
five |
2015-05-15 |
17:55 |
2018-05-05 04:00 |
1325.81 |
row_5 |
grp_b |
fig |
six |
2015-06-15 |
2018-06-06 16:11 |
13.255 |
row_6 |
grp_b |
777000.0 |
grapefruit |
seven |
19:10 |
2018-07-07 05:22 |
row_7 |
grp_b |
8880000.0 |
honeydew |
eight |
2015-08-15 |
20:20 |
0.44 |
row_8 |
grp_b |
The table stub separates row names with a vertical line, and puts group names on their own line.
GT(exibble).tab_stub(rowname_col="row", groupname_col="group")
num |
char |
fctr |
date |
time |
datetime |
currency |
grp_a |
row_1 |
0.1111 |
apricot |
one |
2015-01-15 |
13:35 |
2018-01-01 02:22 |
49.95 |
row_2 |
2.222 |
banana |
two |
2015-02-15 |
14:40 |
2018-02-02 14:33 |
17.95 |
row_3 |
33.33 |
coconut |
three |
2015-03-15 |
15:45 |
2018-03-03 03:44 |
1.39 |
row_4 |
444.4 |
durian |
four |
2015-04-15 |
16:50 |
2018-04-04 15:55 |
65100.0 |
grp_b |
row_5 |
5550.0 |
five |
2015-05-15 |
17:55 |
2018-05-05 04:00 |
1325.81 |
row_6 |
fig |
six |
2015-06-15 |
2018-06-06 16:11 |
13.255 |
row_7 |
777000.0 |
grapefruit |
seven |
19:10 |
2018-07-07 05:22 |
row_8 |
8880000.0 |
honeydew |
eight |
2015-08-15 |
20:20 |
0.44 |