Insert a spanner above a selection of column headings.
This part of the table contains, at a minimum, column labels and, optionally, an unlimited number of levels for spanners. A spanner will occupy space over any number of contiguous column labels and it will have an associated label and ID value. This method allows for mapping to be defined by column names, existing spanner ID values, or a mixture of both.
The spanners are placed in the order of calling tab_spanner() so if a later call uses the same columns in its definition (or even a subset) as the first invocation, the second spanner will be overlaid atop the first. Options exist for forcibly inserting a spanner underneath others (with level as space permits) and with replace, which allows for full or partial spanner replacement.
label:str | BaseText
The text to use for the spanner label. We can optionally use the md() and html() helper functions to style the text as Markdown or to retain HTML elements in the text. Alternatively, units notation can be used (see define_units() for details).
The columns to target. Can either be a single column name or a series of column names provided in a list.
spanners:str | list[str] | None=None
The spanners that should be spanned over, should they already be defined. One or more spanner ID values (in quotes) can be supplied here. This argument works in tandem with the columns argument.
level:int | None=None
An explicit level to which the spanner should be placed. If not provided, Great Tables will choose the level based on the inputs provided within columns and spanners, placing the spanner label where it will fit. The first spanner level (right above the column labels) is 0.
id:str | None=None
The ID for the spanner. When accessing a spanner through the spanners argument of tab_spanner() the id value is used as the reference (and not the label). If an id is not explicitly provided here, it will be taken from the label value. It is advisable to set an explicit id value if you plan to access this cell in a later call and the label text is complicated (e.g., contains markup, is lengthy, or both). Finally, when providing an id value you must ensure that it is unique across all ID values set for spanner labels (the method will throw an error if id isn’t unique).
An option to move the specified columns such that they are unified under the spanner. Ordering of the moved-into-place columns will be preserved in all cases. By default, this is set to True.
Should new spanners be allowed to partially or fully replace existing spanners? (This is a possibility if setting spanners at an already populated level.) By default, this is set to False and an error will occur if some replacement is attempted.
The GT object is returned. This is the same object that the method is called on so that we can facilitate method chaining.
Let’s create a table using a small portion of the gtcars dataset. Over several columns (hp, hp_rpm, trq, trq_rpm, mpg_c, mpg_h) we’ll use tab_spanner() to add a spanner with the label "performance". This effectively groups together several columns related to car performance under a unifying label.
One cool feature of tab_spanner() is its support for multiple levels, allowing you to group columns in various ways. For example, you can create three bottom spanners and a top spanner:
Did you notice that the spanners stacked automatically? What if you want granular control to specify a spanner in a specific hierarchy? Great Tables has you covered. By using the level= parameter, you can easily adjust the hierarchy of spanners. For example, by specifying level=0 for the last call of tab_spanner(), you can place that spanner at the bottom level (level 0) instead of the top level (level 2).